Form an economic alliance for mutual gain.
Seek to provide focus and service in areas that each partner otherwise is lacking in order to capitalize on market opportunities that are mutual targets.
Enable each other to grasp otherwise out-of-reach opportunities.
Avoid "mistakes", seize opportunities, gear up to meet an objective without betting all our individual resources on the outcome. (Spread the risk and provide "disaster insurance" from unforeseen market events.)
Create a web of alliances that will reduce customer cost and or increase customer sales with an outcome of customer profitability and seller profitability.
Recognize and act with the knowledge that speed is significant.
Add tangible, measurable value to our customers' businesses and create products that command a premium over commodity product prices.
Create a bigger pie for both supplier and customer to share with pricing that seeks to divide the pie fairly.
Establish price strategies that include sharing in any cost savings realized by a customer.
Negotiate royalties on sales that increase as volume increases.
Forge bonds with key customers through development of superior information and linkage infrastructure that competitors will find difficult to break. This includes providing products and services that deliver quantifiable profit increases to key customers.
Set concrete, measurable, realistic goals and objectives including short term, readily achievable goals to build and maintain momentum. Agree on time frames and understand how results will be evaluated. Identify what accounting methods will be used in keeping score.